People have a lot in common. For example, most of us have a limited understanding of justice. Take it from me, the word itself doesn’t seem very important. Not until it does.

Since birth, the concepts of justice and injustice have been in constant conflict. Day in and out, people have wronged one another. Some deliberately and others accidentally.
It’s obvious that you’ll never need to seek justice until you personally face an injustice. And when need comes, you will realize that justice resembles a rain shower in a dry spell. Just as a rare rain shower brings brief relief but also highlights the parched landscape, justice can be fleeting and scarce, making the longing for it even more intense.

The droplets of justice may be few and far between, but they have the power to revitalize hope, just as rain revives a withered landscape. Yet, the drought of injustice can persist, leaving scars and reminders of the long-awaited storm that never came.

Somehow you will think that injustice mostly has to involve physical or emotional torture. Just like being beaten by your husband or not getting paid after working extra hours. Whatever you think in that category is true. But it gets deeper.

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